Kotlin allows you to define constants that span across an entire app in one place (if applicable). Typically, constants should have their scope reduced as much as possible, but when scope needs to be global this is a great way to do so without having to go through a constants class.

import android.support.annotation.StringDef

// Note that this is not a class, or an object
const val PRESENTATION_MODE_PRESENTING = "presenting"
const val PRESENTATION_MODE_EDITING = "editing"

These can be used as constants anywhere in your project:

Keep in mind that constants should be kept to as small a scope as possible to reduce complexity. If you have a value that only relates to the user class, put the value there in a companion object instead.



Object expressions allow for strict singleton definition so there’s no mistaking it for a class that can be instantiated. They also ensure that you do not have to store singletons somewhere like in the Application class or as a static class variable.

For example, if I have a utility class with static thread-related methods I want to access throughout the app:

import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper
// notice that this is object instead of class
object ThreadUtil {
fun onMainThread(runnable: Runnable) {
val handler = Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())


ThreadUtil is called later in the typical way you would call a static class method:


This means there’s no more declaring a constructor as private, or having to figure out where the static instance is stored. Objects are essentially first class citizens of the language. In a similar way, we create objects instead of anonymous inner classes:

viewPager.addOnPageChangeListener(object : ViewPager.OnPageChangeListener {
override fun onPageScrollStateChanged(state: Int) {}
override fun onPageScrolled(position: Int, positionOffset: Float,
positionOffsetPixels: Int) {}
override fun onPageSelected(position: Int) {

Both of these do essentially the same thing — create a single instance of a class as a declared object.



Collections are dealt with quite often when working with an API. More often then not, you want to filter or modify the contents of that collection. By using Kotlin’s collection filtering, adding clarity and making your code more succinct. It’s easier to tell what your resulting list should contain with collection filtering like the following:

val users = api.getUsers()
// we only want to show the active users in one list
val activeUsersNames = items.filter {
    it.active // the "it" variable is the parameter for single parameter lamdba functions

Filtering a collection using the built-in Kotlin methods is very comparable to other functional programming languages too, such as Java 8 streams or Swift collection types. Being able to filter collections in a unified way helps when talking with team members about what operations need to be done to get a list down to the right elements to display.




Data classes simplify classes, adding equals(), hashCode(), copy(), and toString() methods automatically. They clarify the intention of the model and what should go in it, separating pure data from business logic.

Take a look at this data class as an example:

data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)

That’s it. Nothing else is needed to make this class work. If you are using data classes with something like Gson or another JSON parsing library, you can create the default constructor with default values like so:

// Example with Gson's @SerializedName annotation
data class User(
@SerializedName("name") val name: String = "",
@SerializedName("age") val age: Int = 0




Lambdas reduce the overall lines of code in a source file and allow for functional programming. While lambdas are currently possible with Android, Kotlin takes them a step further by ensuring you don’t have to deal with Retrolambda or changing the way your build is configured.

For example, an on-click listener would look like:

button.setOnClickListener { view ->

It even works with return values:

toolbar.setOnLongClickListener {

The Android SDK contains plenty of cases where you are setting a listener or implementing a single method. Lambdas work great in those circumstances.



Kotlin’s custom getters and setters use the structure of a model, but specify custom behavior to get and set the fields. When using custom models for certain frameworks, such as the Parse SDK, you are fetching values that are not actually local variables in the class but are stored and retrieved in some custom way, such as from JSON. By using custom-defined getters and setters, we can simplify the access:

class Product : ParseObject() {

    // getString() and put() are methods that come from ParseObject
    var name: String
        get() = getString("name")
        set(value) = put("name", value)

    var description: String
        get() = getString("description")
        set(value) = put("description", value)

Fetching these values would look similar to using property access syntax with other models:

val product = api.getProduct()
textDesciption.text = product.description

Now if your model needed to change from Parse to some other data source, your code would potentially only need to be changed in one place.




There are several benefits to lazy loading. Lazy loading can result in faster startup time, since loading is deferred to when the variable is accessed. This is particularly useful in using Kotlin for an Android app as opposed to a server app. For Android apps, we want to reduce app startup time so that the user sees the app content faster, rather than sitting at an initial loading screen.

Lazy loading like this is also more memory efficient, as we only load the resource into memory if it is called upon. Memory usage is important on mobile platforms like Android since phones have limited, shared resources. For example, if you are creating a shopping app, and there is a possibility that users will only browse your selection, you could have the actual purchasing API be lazy-loaded:

val productsApi: ProductsApi by lazy {
val retrofit: Retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

By using lazy loading like this, if the user never attempts to check out in the app, you will never load the PurchasingApi, and therefore will not use up the resources it would take.

Lazy loading is also a good way to encapsulate initialization logic:

// bounds is created as soon as the first call to bounds is made
val bounds: RectF by lazy {
RectF(0f, 0f, width.toFloat(), height.toFloat())

As soon as the first reference to bounds is made, the RectF is created, using the view’s current width and height, saving us from having to explicitly create this RectF, then set it later on.

How to migrate Eclipse Android project to AndroidStudio module.

I decided to write this blog to show how to migrate an Eclipse project to android studio manually.

There is a video link at the bottom of this post which demonstrates the whole process, before that understanding the difference folder structure of android studio and eclipse is necessary,

With the recent stable release of Android Studio in December, it has replaced Eclipse as the standard Android development environment. All developers are advised to migrate to it, as the ADT Eclipse plugin will not be maintained and updated, and as of now, it is no longer supported.

In this post, I’ll have a quick look at the differences in the folder structure of the Eclipse projects and Android Studio modules.

Android Studio changes the terminology a bit. In Eclipse, you had workspaces with a number of projects and library projects in them. In Android Studio, this becomes a project with a number of modules and library modules. Apart from the names, they’re pretty much the same thing, but thanks to the mandatory Gradle build system, it tends to be more organized.

Many libraries no longer need to be copied into your workspace. Simply add a reference to the module’s build.gradle file, state the required version, and it will be automatically fetched from the remote repository, compiled and included without having to worry about it. No more hunting for Android support library JARs in the SDK folders, and no more manual Eclipse project opening nightmare. Many third-party libraries can be included in the same way with Gradle, which saves a lot of clutter. Your project folder will be neat and clean, and really only contain your own code.
Folder structure

refer below link for more details on  Gradle with android,

and migrating projects from Eclipse to Android Studio

Here’s a list of folders where your code and resources are stored compared to Eclipse,

   Eclipse                   Android Studio

Android manifest       [project]                 [module]/src/main
Assets                       [project]/assets      [module]/src/main/assets
Java source files       [project]/src            [module]/src/main/java
Resources                 [project]/res            [module]/src/main/res
Included JARs          [project]/libs            [module]/libs

Below screencast shows how easily an Eclipse project can be moved to Android Studio module manually.

SCRUM Agile Methodology

Introduction to SCRUM

Scrum is an agile way to manage a project, usually software development. Agile software development with Scrum is often perceived as a methodology; but rather than viewing Scrum as methodology, think of it as a framework for managing a process.

Common failures which SCRUM cures:

  • Chaos due to changing requirements – the real or perceived requirements of a project usually change drastically from the time the product is designed to when it is released. Under most product development methods, all design is done at the beginning of the project, and then no changes are allowed for or made when the requirements change.
  • Unrealistic estimates of time, cost, and quality of the product – the project management and the developers tend to underestimate how much time and resources a project will take, and how much functionality can be produced within those constraints. In actuality, this usually cannot be accurately predicted at the beginning of the development cycle.
  • Developers are forced to lie about how the project is progressing – When management underestimates the time and cost needed to reach a certain level of quality, the developers must either lie about how much progress has been made on the product or face the indignation of the management.

Benefits of using SCRUM:

  • Higher productivity. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
  • Higher quality. At predetermined intervals, our team reflects on becoming more effective, then tunes and adjusts accordingly
  • Reduced time-to-market
  • Improved Client satisfaction
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • More engaged employee

SCRUM has been successfully employed by hundreds of different companies in many different fields, with outstanding results.

You will find many similarities between SCRUM and Extreme Programming, but one of the major differences is that SCRUM is a fairly general set of guidelines that govern the development process of a product. For this reason, it is often used as a “wrapper” for other methodologies, such as XP or CMM (Capability Maturity Model) – that is, it is used to guide the overall process of development when using these other methodologies.

SCRUM Values.

The SCRUM values are derived from the Agile values of software development.

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools – processes and tools are helpful, but they will do you no good if the team does not communicate and collaborate in a constructive fashion.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation – documentation is important, but what’s most important is to have working software.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation – you are not just looking to get a contract and get the money that way – you are solving the customer’s problem.
  • Responding to change over following a plan – if the requirements or perceived requirements changed, so should the plans and design.

The SCRUM Process.

 General SCRUM Process

The scrum process has 3 main phases.



In this phase, the project is planned and high-level design decisions are made.

Sprint Cycle.

The SCRUM Sprint Cycle

The sprint cycle is an iterative cycle of about 3-4 weeks, in which the actual development of the product is done. It starts out with a Sprint Planning Meeting to decide what will be done in the current sprint. Then the development is done. A sprint is closed with a Sprint Review Meeting where the progress made in the last sprint is demonstrated, the sprint is reviewed, and adjustments are made to the project as necessary.

The sprint cycle is repeated until the product’s development is complete. The product is complete when the variables of time, quality, competition, and cost are at a balance.

  • Develop the product further – implement, test, and document.
  • Wrap up the work – get it ready to be evaluated and integrated.
  • Review the work done in this sprint.
  • Adjust for any changes in requirements or plans.


In this phase, the product’s development is brought to a close, and the product is released.

The Scrum Team

The SCRUM team consists of 2 groups – the interested team, which consists of people who are interested, but who will not be doing the work, and the working team – people who are interested and will be doing the work on the project.

A team typically has no more than 6-9 working members, although SCRUM has been successfully used with more members. If there are more members than manageable, the project should be broken into multiple sub-projects, each focusing on one, self-contained area of work (one for QA, one for documentation, etc.). There should be people to act as bridges – that is, to attend the meetings of more than one SCRUM team, and act as a communication bridge between the teams. Members of teams that are closely related/involved with each other should sit in on the other teams’ SCRUM meetings.

The leader (SCRUM Master)

The team’s leader is called the Scrum Master. He should be one of the members of the working team – that is, he should be one of the people who is actually doing the work on the project. The SCRUM Master measures progress, removes impediments, and leads the team meetings.

Commonly Used Terms


The product is developed in a series of 1-to-4-week iterations, or sprints. Before a sprint is begun, a Sprint Planning Meeting is held to determine what features are to be implemented in that sprint. The sprint has 4 major steps:

  • Develop the product further – implement, test, and document.
  • Wrap up the work – get it ready to be evaluated and integrated.
  • Review the work done in this sprint.
  • Adjust for any changes in requirements or plans.

Product Backlog

A prioritized list of all the desired changes to the product being developed put together by the product owner. See Figure 2.

Sprint Backlog.

A list with items that will be completed in the current sprint, taken from the product backlog. See Figure 2.

Daily SCRUM Meeting

A 15-minute SCRUM meeting is held every day. The SCRUM Master asks the three questions, and all members of the team and interested parties take part and give feedback. The meeting should be held at the same place every time so that people know where to go.

Unit Testing

A unit test is an automated test that ensures that the functionality required for a certain area of a project is implemented and that there are no breaking changes that have not been taken into consideration.


Impediments are things that get in the way of the progress of the project. The SCRUM Master is responsible to look for and remove these obstacles so that they do not slow down or impair the project.

3 Questions

The Scrum Master asks the developers 3 important questions at every SCRUM meeting:

  1. What have you accomplished since the last meeting?
  2. Are there any obstacles in the way of meeting your goal?
  3. What will you accomplish before the next meeting?

Product Owner

The person who commissions the project, and defines the requirements and priorities for the product.

Sprint Planning Meeting

A meeting at the beginning of a sprint where the sprint is planned. Items from the Product Backlog are selected to be completed in the sprint, based on the priorities set by the Product Owner

Sprint Review Meeting

A sprint is closed with a Sprint Review Meeting where the progress made in the last sprint is demonstrated, the sprint is reviewed, and adjustments are made to the project as necessary.

Advantages of Scrum

The sprint process allows for “good enough” development that results in a saleable product even while the project is in full swing. This incremental delivery system shortens the time to market and may result in higher revenue, as each completed backlog represents a new release of the product. In addition, reviewing each sprint before moving to the next means that testing is conducted throughout the process, which allows teams to change the scope or direction of the project at any point. Although the deadline and budget are fixed variables, the project requirements are not. In fact, stakeholders and participants anticipate changes along the way. The product owner’s involvement in the project management process facilitates these changes.

Disadvantages of Scrum

It can be difficult for the Scrum master to plan, structure and organize a project that lacks a clear definition. In addition, frequent changes, frequent product delivery and uncertainty regarding the precise nature of the finished product make for a rather intense project life cycle for everyone involved. Furthermore, the daily Scrum meetings and frequent reviews require substantial resources. A successful project depends on the maturity and dedication of all participants, and their ability to maintain consistently high levels of communication through each backlog and review.

Source of info: Internet


Empty Mac OS Trash.

I was trying to empty my Mac Trash with Empty Securely option available with Finder,
Emptying the trash in OS X Finder can be a long process, especially If you have lots of items (like me). This is after some minutes.

Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 11.29.05 PM

Solution 1:
Check to see that “Empty trash securely” is not set. This erases files multiple times, so it takes much longer to delete.

The setting is in Finder’s Preferences on the Advanced page. I’ve heard that sometimes a Snow Leopard upgrade accidentally sets this option.

Solution 2:

If you do it through the Terminal it is nearly always considerably faster:

rm -rf .Trash/*

Screen Shot 2015-08-09 at 11.25.06 PM

However it can be noted that this won’t delete files that appear in your Trash from external hard drives, other partitions, etc. Those files are stored at /Volumes/NAME_OF_DEVICE/.Trashes/USER_ID where USER_ID is your user ID. (Usually 501 on a single user system) and you’ll have to remove them using a second command. (sudo rm -rf /Volumes/*/.Trashes/501/* should do all of them for you)

As always when using rm -rf be completely sure the path you’ve typed into the Terminal is correct or you’re liable to delete much more than you mean to. (eg. a space before a * is never good)

As to why the Finder takes so long, the Finder does some extra work of deleting files from all the devices attached to a computer, overriding permissions if necessary (using a subprocess called Locum), file stats, among others.


rm: Remove files

-f          Attempt to remove the files without prompting for confirma-
tion, regardless of the file’s permissions.  If the file does
not exist, do not display a diagnostic message or modify the
exit status to reflect an error.
-R          Attempt to remove the file hierarchy rooted in each file
argument.  The -R option implies the -d option.  If the -i
option is specified, the user is prompted for confirmation
before each directory’s contents are processed (as well as
before the attempt is made to remove the directory).  If the
user does not respond affirmatively, the file hierarchy
rooted in that directory is skipped.

-r          Equivalent to -R.


Get more info about rm command by using info rm command in terminal.

To know other linux commands check https://proudgeekk.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/some-common-linux-commands/